Best ESIC Consultant in Ahmedabad

Top ESIC Consultant in Ahmedabad State Insurance for Employees (ESI) The whole cost of medical leave coverage is covered by the employee's state insurance. The Employees State Insurance Act of 1948 established ESI, a self-governing and self-financed social security program, with the goal of safeguarding the interests of workers. Pro Legal HR Outsourcing Companies the Best PF ESIC Consultant in Ahmedabad. Employees of a company with more than 10 workers are shielded from financial hardship under the ESI program in the event of illness, disability, or fatal work-related injury. Relevance Every person making less than Rs. 21,000 who works for a company employing more than 10 people who have worked in non-seasonal manufacturing is eligible for ESI. However, depending on the state in where the business or organization is located, the number of employees ranges from 10 to 20. Rate of Contribution Currently, the employer's share of the ESI contribution rate is 3.25% of the e...